Tuesday 15 October 2013

The Two Doctors?

Hey guys, sorry i haven't posted in a while - nothing's really come up. In the mean time, check out a blog of a fellow cosplayer of mine - Michael Davis!
Take a look at  -  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michael-Davis-Unofficial-Tenth-Doctor-Lookalike/135565596548272 

Michael's a great, friendly guy and of course an outstanding Tenth Doctor! Plus seen as we're the round about the same age, i can relate to him about what it's like being a teen Tenth Doctor! He always has something new going on, whether it be a project or a new video. So make sure you LIKE LIKE LIKE his facebook page!!!

Cheers guys, See you all again soon!!! 

Friday 28 June 2013

Higher than ever before

Pre Edit Tie
Incase i haven't said so before, the dutti tie is my favourite out of all the Tennant ties. I know it consists of simple stripes but there's something about it that makes it more appealing and exiting to me than even the Lacroix tie. Perhaps because it's so bold? Anyway, since this tie is near impossible to find on eBay, i first decided to use the simple design on a custom tie website. A few months later i found the Paul Smith striped tie that looked similar to the Dutti, but i was never fully satisfied with it as the stripes weren't wide enough and the space in between them was too narrow. So recently i thought of a new idea, I bought a tie with all light blue stripes and used a navy blue fabric pen to colour in every other stripe. And what can i say? I think this tie is better than ever before, and i've reached the highest point with this tie. The only one better would be an original Dutti! Enough chit chat, here are the results...

Edited Tie with Suit

Sunday 19 May 2013

Duffer is Back!

Hi all, just a quick notification today to inform you of a Duffer tie that came up on eBay within the last hour. Here are the pictures with the description:

Tenth Doctor - The Sound of Drums

St George by Duffer Tie

Tenth Doctor - Sound of Drums

Up Close Pattern
Apparently the 'St George by Duffer' label has come off the back, but i'm sure it'd b easy enough to just buy a cheap duffer and use its label to stitch on the back of this one.
I won't be bidding, as much as i want one i'm saving up for something to create an expensive collection - and i'll be creating an all new blog to show it off...
Stay tuned!

Saturday 20 April 2013

All Together Now...

I thought since I had just got my new Duffer tie I would take new pictures of all my screen used combos, so here goes...

Christian Lacroix - Magnoli Replica with Navy Shirt as seen in 'The Girl in the Fireplace', 'Love and Monsters' and 'Blink'

Giorgio Armani - Magnoli Replica with Navy Shirt as seen in 'Love and Monsters', 'The Fires of Pompeii', 'The Family of Blood' and 'The Planet of the Dead'  

Giorgio Armani - Magnoli Replica with Pale Blue Shirt as seen in 'Army of Ghosts', 'Doomsday', 'Smith and Jones', 'The Shakespeare Code', 'Gridlock', 'Turn Left', 'The Stolen Earth' and 'Journey's End'

Massimo Dutti - Paul Smith Lookalike with Navy Shirt as seen in 'Partners in Crime' and 'The Next Doctor'

No Tie - Navy T-shirt and Navy Shirt as seen in 'Midnight'

No Tie - Light Graphite T-shirt and Navy Shirt as seen in 'The End of Time Pt 1' 

Christian Lacroix - Magnoli Replica and Pale Blue Shirt as seen in 'The End of Time Pt 2'

St George by Duffer - Original with Light Blue Shirt to be seen in '50th Anniversary Special'

Ties so far...

Ties rolled up and in line

I hope to save up and be getting a couple more ties soon, i will be getting the Magnoli 'Hechter', the new Magnoli 'Swirly' and the recoloured Magnoli 'Utopia' ties.

The Year is 2013, Time for the 13th Tie...

I'm Sure many of you will of heard about David Tennant returning to Doctor Who in the highly anticipated '50th Anniversary Special'. Now if finding out that my favourite doctor wasn't brilliant enough, we even know what tie he'll be wearing, 6 months in advance!!! This means that i could whip down to my local branch of Debenhams and grab one! I can't believe that we'd figure out which tie it was so quickly and it's amazing that i got an original Tennant Tie as easily as that! And again, if finding it wasn't easy enough, it only cost £14! That's less than half the price of a Magnoli Replica Tie! 

You heard the story, now see the evidence... 

With the suit

Close up

Tie 13,  The 50th Anniversary Special St George by Duffer Tennant Tie

I'm still in shock really, i only found out what make the tie was yesterday and before i knew it I was in the Mens Tie Department fishing behind racks of ties! 

Monday 1 April 2013

It's been a long time...

Sorry for the long wait, i haven't had the time to post anything in a while, but here i go!..

Since i last posted about the Massimo Dutti-like tie, i ordered a Celestial Toystore 11th Hour Sonic Screwdriver Replica, and i have to say, it is tremendous!!! It is smaller than i expected, but not in a bad way, as it actually feels like the real prop, as opposed to and oversized kids toy. But here's me babbling on, you wanna see the pictures right?! And i know a certain doctor-lookalike who wants to see them the most! Well here you go...

The Box - Closed

 The Box - Open

 The Screwdriver - Closed

 The Screwdriver - Open

The Inner Frosted Wires

 The Slide and Crackle Effect

 The Screwdriver - in Hand

 The Screwdriver - Closed in Hand

The Screwdriver - Open in Hand

As you can see, in my hand it is quite small. I'd say it's closer to the size of the sonic torch than the Character Options Toy version; which seems gigantic when compared to what is the closest thing to what Matt Smith actually used in the 11th hour.
At the moment the batteries in mine are running out and the light and sound is struggling to work, so you have to tap the side to get it to work, but i like it like that cause it's like it was in the 11th Hour: when it wouldn't work properly and Matt Smith had to tap it to get it to work! It might sound weird, but then again so is the Doctor!